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Webpages in the Learning at Ancient House section

Digital learning events

Virtual visits to Ancient House, including digital assemblies and webinars

Essential information

Information about educational visits, including a museum overview, parking, facilities for schools and how to book

EYFS, reception and key stage 1

Educational events and resources for children in early years, reception and key stage 1 at Ancient House

Key stage 2

Educational events and resources for children in key stage 2 and how to join at Ancient House

Secondary schools

Educational events and resources for secondary school students at Ancient House

Home educators

Visits to Ancient House for home-educated children, including workshops and admission prices

Teacher CPD

Continuing professional development (CPD) sessions for teachers at Ancient House

Exhibitions for loan

Our range of pop-up exhibitions available for loan to schools and community groups

Online exhibitions

Enjoy online exhibitions from the comfort of your own home

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