EYFS, reception and key stage 1 education at Ancient House

Please note: please contact us if you cannot find a suitable day. We will do our best to accommodate you. We are also happy to discuss with you how you would like us to tailor activities to support your needs.
For more information, enquiries and bookings please contact Melissa Hawker, Learning Officer by emailing ancienthouse@norfolk.gov.uk or call 01842 752599.
Homes Long Ago: The Great Fire of London
Full day £6 per pupil
Find out about life during the Stuart era, try your hand at writing like Samuel Pepys, handle real objects from the time and decide what you would save and explore Ancient House to consider why it might be vulnerable to fire.
Toys through the Ages
Full day £6 per pupil
Investigate old toys and find out how they worked. Handle and play with original and replica toys and games. Make your own traditional toy to take home.
Homes Long Ago
Full day £6 per pupil
Discover what homes were like in the past. Investigate different building materials; explore a Tudor Hall and Victorian kitchen. Try your hand at Victorian washing and handle real objects from the past.
House Detective
Full day £6 per pupil
Explore Ancient House and discover its secrets. Handle real objects from the past and try your hand at Victorian washing.
Fairy Tale House
Full day £6 per pupil
Some well-loved nursery rhyme characters need your help - lots of things have mysteriously vanished! Can you help find them? Teachers can select fairy tale or nursery rhyme characters to best fit with their curriculum.
Going to the Great Exhibition
Full day £6 per pupil
Join the workers at the Charles Burrell Steam Works as they prepare for the Great Exhibition 1851. Learn what life was like for a Burrell's worker and his family. Handle Victorian objects, and discover how steam engines work. To enter into the spirit of Victorian life we invite you to come in costume.
Christmas Long Ago
Full day £6 per pupil
Discover how the way we celebrate Christmas has changed over the centuries. Pupils will meet costumed characters and learning about Christmas traditions from Tudor, Victorian, the Second World War and 1950s era. Pupils will get hands on with historical artefacts and create traditional crafts.
Curious the Kitten
Full day £6 per pupil
Follow in the footsteps of Curious the Kitten from Isabelle King's Once Upon a Time in Norfolk story book to travel through time at Ancient House. Explore the Tudor Hall and garden, try your hand at cooking in the Kitchen and meet a solider from the First World War.
Maharajah Duleep Singh and his Family
Full day £6 per pupil
Discover the amazing story of the last Maharajah of Punjab and his links to Thetford. Pupils will meet costumed characters, handle real Victorian objects, learn about Sikhism and grind some Indian spices.
Remembrance: First World War or Second World War
Full day £6 per pupil
Learn about the significance of the poppy - red, white, blue and purple. Handle real objects from world wars and meet a solider.