Secondary school education at Ancient House

Our learning officer Melissa Hawker is always happy to discuss with you the best ways to tailor activities to support your needs. Use our booking form to suggest your preferred dates. Email or call 01842 752599.
Duleep Singh and Queen Victoria (KS3)
Full day £6 per pupil
Discover the story of Norfolk's 'Black Prince'. Learn about his early life in the Punjab and his relationship with Queen Victoria. Find out about his faith journey from Sikh to Christian and finally back to Sikh. Discover how Duleep Singh is remembered in Thetford today.
Duleep Singh: Winner or Loser? (KS3 and 4)
Full day £6 per pupil
Investigate the case of Maharajah Duleep Singh through documents and costumed characters. Decide for yourself whether he was a winner or a loser in the 'British Empire Race'. Consider how his life is remembered in Thetford today.
Private Newton and WW1 (KS3 and 4)
Full day £6 per pupil
Find out about former Ancient House resident, Leonard Newton. Hear why he joined up in 1914 and what happened to him on the Western Front. Meet his family who stayed in Thetford and discover what life was like on the Home Front.